martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

hoy el post está en English (translator en la columna de la derecha)

my school
Today I promised Mr. Jerves (my teacher) to write my post in English... so here I am... thinking in Spanish and doing a translation simultaneously to English (sorry!!! I know that it's is not the way but... what can I do¿?¿? I need more practice... more English... more grammar lessons... MORE AND MORE AND MORE)

my class door
I started my English classes last week at the Adult Berkeley School. This school is only 10' by bike away from my home (I don't have to ride my bike... it is down hill all the way : )

My class is full of people from different countries around the world: Japan, Czech Republic, Mexico, France, Russia, Tonga, Morrocco, etc. There are two Spanish girls, too... but the only language that we all have in common is English

my class
The accents are very different. Currently, my English sounds like "SpanEnglish" but this doesn't worry me... I am aware of this so I will try to speak with everybody about the weather, the flowers, the clothes... it doen't matter the subject. The most important thing is to SPEAK (people are so kind so I don't feel embarrassed when I make mistakes... and I know that I make a lot of them every time that I open my mouth)
Mr. Jerves is working hard ; D

It is very interesting to learn about parties, legends and meals from the rest of the world. This kind of information makes me feel  a strange sensation inside me... I want to know more... I want to go and see and eat and live all these things first hand

be careful!!!
On the first floor there is a cafeteria. You can find: coffee, teas, hot chocolates and VERY GOOD cakes. Pat is the waitress. She is very friendly. She knows exactly what I want... MY HOT CAPPUCCINO

Some days, when I arrive on time at school, I go to a nice café called Leila in front of the school. The cappuccino tastes very good and the cakes have a special flavor... yummmmmmmmm!!!! Friday and Sunday night you can have tea or a cold beer in the terrace listening to live Jazz music (I have to do that... maybe next week)

I hope that my next "English post" will be better ;D

P.S. Mr. Jerves I have tried to do my best

1 comentario:

  1. MISION CUMPLIDAe hecho un esfuerzo y lo he entendido todo sin translator iujuu!! tengo gratis una cold beer en la terraCITA NO<¡'¡'¿?¿?¿

